a slider created in response to peopletoday and we're gonna talk about this so i'm not impact on this these areslightly degraded just today responded we have talked about this in our lastpart of it and we bring a little bit about it but i think the reallyimportant issue in there is 20 psychologists have we still hear ya okso i can you talk a little bit but we hear from patrick said are you game forthat nothing will eventually get ready and we're talking about this particularhere because why yes you have a killer laws that make it a unique situationsare you always hear writers martin to know this is highlighting this isimpacted by this is right and there's
something like this would not be as muchof an issue because the idea that you could she would not be socially wouldn'tbe voted on probably not be voted on at this pointbut the fact that it has been here hypothetically others i won't make the marijuana wehave demanded my thanks you guys have talked so right related to you whenpeople have looked at it around his abilities so things like huntington'sdisease and cancer where there is an app like a certain and in another time andthe person is making decisions in life now interesting i have a great timeworking with it he has chronic headaches
and he and i have been in a very longdiscussion because he believed that i had a and not to make the choice tohasten his own death and that's actually not that we're talking about here rightnow to be clearly in the suicide category we're talking about people who are atend of life and it is a known there's no more viable treatment this is a matterof time and i think that's a really important thing for us to be on the samepage up so early there are or country and realized a very interesting companythey're like with the marijuana situation this is a little bit of asocial right people are saying well you
can call around our house marijuana thing don't you know we'retrying to figure it out as it and i think probably this is true for you allwith this issue you're trying to figure out as it goes into me a backrubproperty or state property so i thought i love being here i'm on federalproperty right here so do the dishes engaged in this practice and this is mycolleague and i have asked him because he's a psychologist is that right toknow how i don't know his name but he's very nice you know
his last act as a parent people yeah yeah africa people here what i was told uswas don't say oh you go oh yeah there is a place where you can discuss the prosand cons of his desires and his goals but now he's able to go out and find aprovider that shows that i should just be careful that i dont straight into aticket or so families and he said it would be betterdo it there's a lot of it but that's the point i want to make sure that we likeany issues arise we have things like that we need to use actually we need todocument that we're using the right to
protect yourself protecting yourpatience and i didn't know this quarter writing a little bit about this butthere's like a lot of different terms for different things and so one thing ido know is that we're going to talk about this patients we need to know what thedifferent options are so is defined by dr. potentially killing a person but theadministration of drugs versus voluntary incompetent request cases the doctorsphysicians and active role in addition to engender sleep in til death occursamong individuals individual to rate symptoms like the laarea
education were unresponsive toconventional treatment so different but does fall under this category patientdeath and finally physician-assisted suicide that's what's legal here is thatright yes ok i dr intentionally helping aperson commits suicide by providing drug administration at that forces voluntaryrequest is that that's right that's what the last year's definitions that are out there by thereal world know whether this is suicide or not i actually want to go there todayand it's not just have this conversation and know that this is somewhere relatedto the larger conversation today
ok the physician assisted suicide interms of those issues come up folks have mobility when folks don't have usedtheir efforts and how can people know that our meeting here like how couldthey do or the other day i really want to highlight this idea of voluntaryright so you're choosing in and you're competent to make the decision to chooseit idea of autonomy the voters decided thatchili reasonably reasonably part of a time andit also poses serious ethical dilemmas for providers health nurses we aretrying to do is help individuals differentiate between being depressedand existential suffering all the
exercise of suffering peace ok and so hehas a mental health professional in your documentation is going to be clearchoices made out of depression if there's pressure or the person isexistentially with living and if you really want toknow this is the population of individuals with stage disease rate andmost of us don't need to make that choice of penn station somebody otherprofessional next actually and state agencies like i said about mypatient a bad i had a bad headache release i but it's not on stage diseaseother things a little hurt a lot today right you don't want to be called in ona consult tomorrow with the patient and
never have thought about this beforeright you don't spend time thinking about this this is everybody come outthe clinical in a clinical study and you will not prepared for this is not evenno matter how i feel about this is not a little conversation to have the more wecan prepare us to respond professionally and i thinkcompassionately regardless of how you feel about this i am aware that thatpeople this regard to the pool very differently about this for themselves i know that there are certain conditionsthat can imagine living with and other conditions they cannot deliver righteverybody's got their deal with the
block but regardless of what your dealis your deal maybe that you believe that this is your choice to make a deal topatients around us that they desire why people want to do this they exploreissues underpinning the state and identify critical issues and finallydisgust with interpersonal factors involved and i think we heard beforeabout the interpersonal factors peace ok this is any kind of work for you how'sthis gonna work for your family and then we'll talk about really over to yourright and this is that when you're talking to somebody could feel the heatright or do you think i can't believe this first of all the different thingsthat happened to us
clinical clinical a letter just reallyaware responses to this article but i don't really like again by my colleagueshave changed his flight to people can see it through the sixth and we'regetting close on time but i just like to make sure that you all do it this eventat the civic me a copy to place to visit and she just brought with me to the moonbefore right and just go through the steps monitoring your attitude responses todoes desired i felt a shin consultation consultation concerns about the patient really desirefor death without actively supporting
without doing i think that's a greatidea right and trying to really work at it trying on what is that i respect youare expected to be able to you that is it the entire review and practicing thatwe can certainly imagine how hard to these companies so long in fact thatcontent hired up the printer and well alright alright alright sure that thenext identify potential contributing factors in and again i just failing tothe one here but the psychological distress and i think this is he issuffering from a size are they are they are all done and what that is therereally a setting for anyone really symptoms are there may be easier totheir environment in terms of access to
the bathroom food help them save dignityand also addressed the other also right there are patients on arguedthat the staff is challenged rate and he'd understand to people's desire todie if they're getting a message from people that they are difficult issue byissue that makes it brings up a potential reversal planning for referralor continue to see them about this lively discussion points and reallyproviding the patient with a clear idea what the next steps to be it's your jobto talk to the other treatment team member people but to lean on psychiatricand these don't like to talk about that right so i was a little nervous whenthey would find up to these diabetic pop
psychologists right you're talking aboutthat they're going to die but we needed help he talked about this and by the way to provide information tothem about their option also really helping the veteran talk to familymembers with premature decision made you will still help try facilitateddiscussion finally i think we said this you know many many times today documented and certainly if i stop themadness end of the session i'll take my template i put it in the notes and iwould say that i did you step on this article you may view and you have youhave documented that in many different
ways so that you can kill a beautifulthis is very helpful just in terms of thinking about there are there to helpyou you don't need to figure this out if we had time i was going to give you acase but i'm not going to your case is a long but we both like this this isactually really great article about people may have certification examplesof what happens to the cases a lot of issues and more details of that researchwill be there for you to read the post $9.99 i know there's a lot of trade that theroom caters to suicide prevention where her mostly focused on research alsoobviously critical care
the main the may make me happy and hereis the va does have a lot of resources the va has challenges are some thingsthat they do provide lots of resources promise of time we don't know about theright so make sure that you leave here knowing about the craigslist line ithink you know about the consultation service i really and i talked there wasthis is actually hard to get a lot of people don't you just call this numberor or or or ok i need to stop ok right
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